a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Saturday, October 02, 2004  

Sometimes it is fun to read some very biased news, but on the opposite side that mainstream US media is. One good example of a source for these kinds of news is Reason. They have interesting articles such as Miami Vices: Lessons from the presidential debate that points out that there are some "strange" republicans that still think that Bush won the debate, although all 3 polls show that for the public that watched it thought he didn't. The interesting conclusion of the article is that if you really want to know who should win the debate, you should watch it on mute and just analyze the reactions. This reminds me that I've read an article on BBC with the analysis of the body language of the debate done by a body language specialist (sorry, I couldn't find the link). What is a body language specialist? How does a person specialize on this?

Oh, well, not that these debates are going to change anything. Unfortunately Bush will remain in power and people will give him 4 more years to fix the trouble that happened during the last 3 1/2 years. I actually don't think that he can do much wrong, besides invading Iran, North Korea, and whoever else he wants to, in order to keep the military people busy, and give jobs to people (military ones - but, hey, it's easy and people feel good about themselves because they are "defending their country"). The US economy always go up and down. The problem is just too big for any government to be able to really control it.

Oh, well, back to my reality here, I woke up early this morning to go and look for my lab key that fell on the library lawn yesterday. After about 30 minutes looking around, I just gave up and went to the office to work on what I could there. Now I'm back home finishing preparing lunch (I know it's almost 3:30 pm, but I just was having fun in the office, what can I do?). Then the rest of the day I'll work here at home, hoping that my roommate will stay away from home the whole day today.

By the way, it was COLD this morning. Something like 43F (6C), feels like 36F (2C)!

posted by Michel | 12:22 PM
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