a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Friday, October 08, 2004  

I'm feeling suddenly a little less nervous today. My morning was devoted to organizing my day, defining who I had to call, who I had to email, where I had to pass, and so on. I officially don't have even half a car right now (if I don't go and steal Stacy's car - she has two, anyway)! The amazing part of this all is that I did get almost everything that I had to do today done. Now I'm back to my office and I'll try to finish some things and start the backup process. After this process is done, I have to go and clean all my things from the office computer, remove my usernames, leave it as if I didn't pass by here. I also have to pass by the library and drop the few books I borrowed... It's kind of a sad process to leave...

This also means that I have to start the process of closing my blog. Closing is the easy part. What will be difficult is to find a name for whatever is coming next. I've learned this time and I won't choose anything related to the place I'm staying, so that I won't have to close it again when I move on. Maybe I'll learn with Safiry and reserve a website like "idonthaveanickname.com". :-)

And for the link of the day: Cooking for Engineers. A (sometimes) very interesting website made by a guy that likes to analyze the food and recipes. What I actually liked about it is the way he presents the recipe, as a table. Nice idea, but I'm not completely sure it would work all the time.

posted by Michel | 12:29 PM
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