a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Monday, October 04, 2004  

I posted and forgot what I really wanted to write about... On the email that the birthday person sent me, she had the following message in the bottom:

"I'm a beloved daughter ,because Jesus gave me salvation !!!"

Ignoring the misplacements of commas and additions of spaces where they shouldn't be added, the strongly Christian message, and going only to the content of the phrase, does it make sense to you? I don't know if my ability to understand English is bad (the email actually had the same message in Portuguese too, but that's a minor detail), but the line of thought of this phrase just didn't make sense to me.

What is the relationship between being a beloved daughter and being saved? I would understand if you consider Jesus your "father" (in the spiritual sense) and say that because you are beloved, you got salvation from your "father". But this phrase is the other way around. You are beloved because you are saved, as if people can't love you if you are not saved. And if you are saved, your parents have to love you?

As I said, it must be just my inability to interpret the message... Can anybody help me?

posted by Michel | 2:27 PM
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