a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Wednesday, October 06, 2004  

Another day is gone and now I'm getting to the last steps towards my move. It is set that I'll be moving on Thursday, and all my stuff are going in the van for moving on Wednesday. This means that this weekend I'll spend organizing and listing what I'm taking, what is going to storage until I find an apartment, and what is going to my temporary house. I have to start moving my things out of the office too, and bringing them home.

There are lots of bureaucratic things I have to solve too! I have to transfer my car to my roommate, car insurance, maybe pass by the apartment office and tell them that I'm leaving, close by savings account (I can't close my checking account yet, because I'm getting paid for this month by the end of it - I'll have to send a letter asking to close my account later)... I have also to find officers for the Brandeis/Hillel Club, so that I get my reimbursement for buying the Sukkah. I have to send the information about being the Jewish representative for the Interfaith Council to the only person that is left that could do it (although I'm sure he will do a terrible job).

Oh, and I have to talk about my great party, right? The one I have been working to get people to go, I have called a lot of people to confirm that they were going to go... Well, how many people there were? 3.5 (one arrived 30 minutes late and left 15 minutes after it)! These are the things that always made me depressed about being the president of the club. You work a lot, get everything ready and then people just think that it's too much work for them to move to the library lawn and have a free dinner (very good food, by the way). It's just plain sad.

Finally, I have to talk a little about the US vice president debate. I haven't watched it! But I went after some information about it and I found three interesting blogs on CNN: Carlson (the Republican), Bengala (the Democrat) and Klein (the person having fun with the debate, and not with politics). The interesting thing is that, except from some small things in common, it really looks like they are talking about completely different debates! Each catches a different detail. I'm probably being biased here, but I think that Carlson was the one that is the most forcefully biased, seeing errors where there were none, and agreeing with points that just didn't make sense at all (from Dick Cheney, of course). But my conclusion, after not watching the debate, is that nothing really was gained from it. Both made lots of silly mistakes, and didn't quite answer any of the most interesting questions. Oh, well, debates are always like that, aren't they?

posted by Michel | 12:04 AM
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