a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Sunday, November 30, 2003  

I'm back home after an afternoon with Stacy in Tulsa. We finally watched Matrix Revolutions, then we went bowling. I'll regret this last idea in the morning, but so far I'm alright... I just want to see myself in front of the computer trying to type my paper and my arm and hand hurting from the game. Oh, well, "no pain, no gain", right? ;-)

About Matrix Revolutions, well, it could have been worse. I would have chosen another ending, especially from the end of the second part on, but I'm not the producer and I can't really say that he did a bad job. As I said, I have thought of too many worse endings for the trilogy (and that's what I love about movies that don't end because you can spend some time creating your endings and then, when the next part is out, you check if you had the same or better ideas than the director). I won't get into more details, because there is always going to be people that haven't watched the movie yet.

As for my program that I went to check as soon as I arrived in Stillwater, it just didn't work. I'm convinced that my proposed method works, but there are too many other factors that I haven't considered that I think I need to. It's hard when you are dealing with a hard problem (wow... Now that's intelligence! I'm proud of myself for having concluded this!).

posted by Michel | 11:34 PM
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