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Monday, November 10, 2003  

This is a fun article: EFF: Federal Communications Commission Adopts Hollywood Tech Mandate. All about digital TVs that are coming pretty soon! And you won't only have to buy new TVs, but also new recording equipment to work with them. Moreover, you will only be able to record the programs that you can't buy! That's very controversial. Some people may claim that you pay for the digital TV provider, so you have the right to have what they show. But with digital quality you don't loose signal when you record, so the quality is the same as owning a new "tape". Very bad for the entertainment industry that relied on the fact that the quality of recorded stuff is always lower than the original one.

The only important thing is that now your TV provider will have to state in their contract that you are receiving streaming information and not the program itself. They have to make sure that they state this clearly so that it won't give more money to opportunist lawyers. (nothing against lawyers, everything against the kinds that try to find a breach in the system and capitalize on that and not on really defending the rights of the citizens)

posted by Michel | 5:52 PM
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