a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Tuesday, November 11, 2003  

Solitude... The word of the day.

Two main reasons why I'm thinking about this today. None of them are related to negative feelings about being alone, something I can't say I really am. The first reason is that I'm in a day of sensitive ears. Any kind of noise is really bothering me. I don't have a headache, but I think I didn't sleep very well this last night. Just as an idea of the magnitude of this, the noise of the air conditioning and the sound of myself typing this is bothering me now. I'm alone in the office right now, imagine how I was feeling when there were other people around.

The second point, and more important, is that I'm starting to worry about my role on trying to "educate" people around me. I've been hearing too many responses that really sound like the person is saying "whatever!". I interpret this as if I'm detaching myself from reality. I'm not being able to relate my ideas with whatever people think is right. This makes me scared. What actually scares me is that this kind of attitude doesn't really encourage me to correct it, it encourages me to stay away from people. Or maybe I'm just wrong... And too stubborn to admit it!

Maybe staying away is a good thing. May make your life productive. It is a way of having better control on your own priorities.

But can a social animal such as a human being be alone? The natural answer would be "no", but today I'm not sure... Maybe I just need to be able to sleep better.

posted by Michel | 1:56 PM
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