a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Saturday, November 29, 2003  

One more day of work... The only thing inside of me that is complaining about all this are my allergies. I do have terrible allergies to dust. Dust and carpets are very good friends! I don't have carpets in my apartment, but I can't escape them in the office and the lab! Moreover, I don't have control over the cleaning of these places and just have to accept their very sparse cleaning schedule for these places. Result of this: my sinuses are just very "talkative" lately. I try to keep taking allergy medicine every day, but sometimes it just isn't effective enough, I guess.

Anyway, no more complaining... Let me talk a little about... The book I FINALLY finished reading! Yes! I did finish reading "Psychohistorical Crisis" by Donald Kingsbury. I really liked the book! It is a hard read, because he tries to really go into all the problems with psychohistory (well, if you haven't read Asimov's Foundation Trilogy, you must have no idea what it is about, so here is a little explanation - psychohistory is the ability to predict the future. It is a mathematical method created by "The Founder" and now the group that knows psychohistory - the psychohistorians - rule the universe). He does a good job most of the times, but sometimes it looks like he just gets a little too far on his inspiration, and not that far on his math. But it is a well thought book. With many references to historical and cultural details of this distant future.

It is a long book, very tiring to read, impossible for people that are not science fiction fans, but I really enjoyed having finished it. Even if it took me some months to ge through it. Well, I'm used to taking a long time to read a book. I have to read so many papers and books at work that when I get home (normally kind of late already) I just can't focus enough to read. Especially hard books, like the most books I like to read.

Right now I have started reading one of my birthday presents: Clarice Lispector's "A Paixão Segundo G.H." (translated to "The Passion According to G.H."). This is another very hard read. It's a psychological book about a woman (well, Clarice Lispector was well-known for focusing her work on women) that is confronted with something unexpected and has what she considers a "wild" response to it and this changes her life. More specifically, she goes to the bedroom of her ex-maid (that had just left her job) and meets a cockroach. She kills the cockroach and this simply generates a chain reaction in her mind to rethink her whole life. The whole text is based on her thoughts and is extremely complicated (grammatically speaking) but very fluid - as you would expect from someone trying to write down the "mental diarrhea" of a person that is going through a great mental change.

Anyway, I really recomend this book to people that can read Portuguese. There is a translation to English, but I've read that it is not very good on trying to convey the mental confusion. Well, there are some things that cannot be translated.

Alright, enought about books. Let me get back to writing the report for my final project. The last one of the semester! I'm still kind of far away from getting it done... But I've started it! Tomorrow I will be going to Tulsa to check on my sick girlfriend. I have to make sure that she is really getting better and not just saying that on the phone to make me worry a little less.

posted by Michel | 9:30 PM
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