a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Thursday, November 27, 2003  

Oh, wow... Where to start? Today it is Thanksgiving day. A pretty interesting holiday in which people eat a lot and then get all depressed because they had to stand their family for a whole meal! I really don't quite understand what happens in this world with family problems. But I'm really not getting into it! Happy Thanksgiving for these people that may understand what these words mean.

Apart from that the day was pretty much dead. I worked, finished my second project and got stuck on my third project. So stuck that I decided to go back home and just take my mind out of it for a while. This was at around 6 p.m. (oh, well, one of the real reasons I went back home is because I had a chat with my parents at 6, but that's a minor detail.) And I tried to watch some TV, didn't find anything interesting on so I went to read some. I still haven't finished my book, but I'm almost there!

Another thing I did today is that I remembered a discussion I had the other day with the girlfriend of a friend of mine when I told her that in Brazil we bought milk that didn't require refrigeration when it wasn't open. She said it was impossible! Oh, well, so I did some quick research today and found out about it: UHT (Ultra High Temperature) Milk. It is ultrapasteurized at high temperatures and then stored in a sealed pack. It is even used by the US military, but it looks like it's not sold here. I read a message from an American woman that claimed that she imported UHT milk from Australia. Anyway, it can be kept with no refrigeration for about 10 weeks!

I'm NOT posting another long one, so I guess I'll stop here. There was a story I wanted to write here, but I'm not sure it is ready yet for posting. I'll revise it and post it some other day.

posted by Michel | 9:59 PM
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