a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Friday, November 21, 2003  

Not a whole lot to say after coming back from Ponca City. I had a good time as always, found out that I'll never understand Hebrew, also found out that languages are just crazy and they will always be crazy... As you can see, things never change!

My day before that wasn't the best I've had in my life, but it wasn't that bad. I went to a lecture on "Molecular Engineering" where a biologist made a very brief introduction of what it was about, mainly in the "Genetic Engineering" field focused on Engineering crowd. I learned some things, remembered others and continued wanting to buy this. Of course it is a kid's toy and I should be aiming for something more "professional", but, well, professional stuff are MUCH more expensive.

As I said, I don't have a whole lot to say, so I'll stop here. I think I'll read some now and then rest. I'm starting to see the end of my never-ending book, "Psychohistorical Crisis". Yes, I'm still reading it!

posted by Michel | 9:21 PM
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