a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Wednesday, November 12, 2003  

I have received complaints that I didn't post anything today (technically yesterday), so I decided to post something at least.

Here I am, another day is gone. I'm feeling better, but I'm still uncertain of my goals. I'm still kind of antisocial today and it's not that I'm really feeling bad about it. Maybe a little worried that people may think that I have something personal against them.

Anyway, the day went by without much change. I had my classes, was invited back to the choir I was kicked out of this semester (well, I had a class conflict), had my presentation that lasted longer than I had originally planned and rehearsed, and finished half of one of my final projects. The easy one!

I can't say I learned much of anything today, besides the fact that I already know that my undergrad was much better than any I've seen around so far. Many things that people learn in grad school, or never at all, I have learned before. I gave a lecture about software engineering today, for example. I wanted to go through the UML details, but my memory was failing me, so I decided to keep to the basics. Use cases, normal forms and some security concerns and that's it.

Oh, just two small things I heard from my agent in the Chinese network here: some Tibetean monks are here on campus and the Chinese students decided to go and stay around them to make sure that people knew that they were CHINESE! And a friend of mine had to write a letter to someone related to the administration of an university in China to testify that some friends of hers were NOT Falun Gong. Some countries are just too afraid!

I think that's all I had to mention today. I'll try to go to bed now! Lots of things to do today! Maybe even a basketball game to go to!

posted by Michel | 11:18 PM
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