a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Monday, November 17, 2003  

Back to blogging...

It was an interesting day. I enjoyed the fact that I'm in a big university and decided to broaden my views a little, so I went to a "Global Briefing" sponsored by the School of International Studies with Sir Thomas Harris the UK Consul-General in New York and the Director-General of Trade & Investment in the USA. His talk was about globalization and if it was a threat.

To his point of view, and to the numbers he had, there was no sign of dispair. Jobs are disappearing because of the increase in the productivity in the manufacturing sector and not because lots of money is being invested in low-wage jobs. According to him, actually companies pay more for the people outside than inside the country. And most of the jobs that are being "outsorced" are high-tech jobs that are looking for talents and not really cost (not that cost is not important).

But in the cost side, seeing that most non-perishable products that are sold here in stores like Wal-Mart are made somewhere else, especially China, there must be something to this market. He compared it to Japan just after the war. Everybody got scared by the cheap products that started to export... Better cars... But now what do you have? A Japan that has increased its economic and social level and now is a great invester. Maybe it is good to keep on doing this to all countries and make them all increase their social and economical levels. This will certainly build a better future to all!

Bottom line is that the talk was very simple: globalization is good! And the US and UK are the best on that! Especially UK that has the lowest amount of restrictions to globalization in the world. Something like 3 times less than the US (whatever that really means).

Apart from this interesting talk, I didn't do much. I worked, had classes, studied for the exam I'm going to have on Wednesday, cooked dinner (it took me about 2 hours to make it, but it was pretty good) and tried to solve some weird problems with the Interfaith Council.

I was thinking of my week today... I'm busy all nights this week! Tomorrow there is a concert I want to go to, on Wednesday I have a class, on Thursday a dinner, on Friday Shabbat in Ponca City, on Saturday I have dress rehearsal for the concert on Sunday and on Sunday I have a chat with my parents. I'm tired already! :-)

posted by Michel | 11:24 PM
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