a report on the search for the real meaning of life... or maybe not really





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Monday, November 24, 2003  

As you must have imagined, I was a little busy this weekend to blog.

Saturday was a day of working at home: cleaning, ironing (well, I had to iron my shirt for the concert on Sunday)... I went to work to check my simulations, saw that nothing really worked, recalculated the time I would need to make anything work, got depressed about it and then Stacy arrived.

We had a good time, except the concert in which I'm sure she didn't have a good time at all. Alright, maybe she had some fun observing people on stage! We watched Stephen King's "Dreamcatcher" (very weird movie - in the beginning it looks like the movie is going to be about something, but then it changes completely the subject), and then the first part of Frank Herbert's "Children of Dune" (it's a 6-hour mini-series and we watched only the first two hours of it). Yes, in other words I made Stacy suffer a lot this weekend! I'm a bad boyfriend! Hwa hwa hwa!

Apart from that I don't have anything else to say! I'm ready for a couple of very long weeks ahead, but that's life in school at the end of the semester.

posted by Michel | 8:30 AM
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